I'm going to tell you something that morally confounds me. That is how much of an activist issue breastfeeding is. I consider myself a lactivist and am proud to be one. But it saddens me that there even needs to be breastfeeding activism. Breastfeeding is the most natural and nutritional thing we can do for our children. It is the first thing we teach them. Yet because of lack of support and education the breastfeeding rates in our country are astoundingly low. So we need to advocate for change! Perhaps one day breastfeeding will be normal again and the term lactivist will be long lost. Until then you'll see me doing whatever I can to support the cause of breastfeeding.
Most recently I have joined MamaPear Designs "Oprah Breastfeeding Blitz"! Really it's simple. You send an online letter to Oprah. Tell her how much of a difference it would make if she covered breastfeeding as one of the topics during her last year on air. Oprah has changed the face of what we consider "acceptable" conversation by covering topics that often go unspoken. Let breastfeeding be next on the list of dinner-table conversation. Let's get rid of the need for lactivism! Or at least help the wheel get rolling in the right direction.
Follow these three simple steps to get involved:
1. Read about MamaPear Designs "Oprah Breastfeeding Blitz"
2. Send Oprah a Letter
3. Go to Facebook and tell MamaPear Designs that you sent a letter
Note: I am not getting anything in return for writing this blog post. I was simply inspired to join their cause!
If you want some letter-writing inspiration here are some starter points that may help you get started:
a. Tell Oprah about your breastfeeding experience and how more support and/or education could have helped you.
b. Give Oprah facts about breastfeeding, rates of women who breastfeed vs. those who don't and/or the top reasons women give up breastfeeding.
c. Inspire Oprah! Provide her with a link to some breastfeeding art or an article you've written on breastfeeding.
d. Let Oprah know how her shows have impacted you and how you feel this topic could impact others.
a big hug from MamaPear Designs! How good will it feel when we turn on the TV and see Oprah talking about boobs! :)